I purchased a 360 degree controllable servo. I'm trying to build this using a servo and Arduino, but I need help. When the Arduino receives a PWM signal and the value exceeds 2000, I want to make the servo rotate 90 degrees first, rotate 60 degrees when it receives the signal secondly, and rotate 50 degrees when it receives the signal thirdly. Is it possible?
Please post a link to the servo product page or data sheet.
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Are you sure that you can control the angle of the servo rather than just its rotation speed and direction ?
What happens when you run the Servo Sweep example ?
I imagine you would need to know the time the servo receiving CW/CCW values takes to move to your preferred angle before sending the "stop" value. Discard these and use a 180 degree servo.
Yes. It's not an ordinary 360 servo. It can control degree of servo. I guess it has higher gear ratio than normal 180 servo. If I use servo Sweep, I can work with the particular angle.
The servo that I have is controllable 360 servo. I already know ordinary 360 servo can't control the angle. If I use this servo, can you suggest the method that I can make this job done?
DroneBotWorkShop show how to use RC with servos...
what does it do when driven with standard 1, 1.5 and 2 msec pulses?
Then what is it exactly...??
It seems to be a 180 servo with 2:1gears, so "servo180.write(90)" and "servo360.write(45)" go to 90 degrees... I'm guessing. Maybe this:
(do not read this link ... it was only an example of a 2:1 ratio)
Continuous rotation servos generally have no positioning control.
In fact the link showed any control signal sent is a speed control.
Apparently other modes available but who knows what the hell the Op has.
It's not a continuous servo. It's a 180 with 2:1 gears.
Direct from your link..... " Continuous Rotation"
...and more .... " SG12 Series Servo Gearbox (2:1 Ratio, Continuous Rotation, 700 oz-in, 31 RPM)"
M a y b e I n e e d t o t y p e a l i t t l e s l o w e r. I T / "S u b j e c t s e r v o" i s n o t
c o n t i n u o u s. T h e l i n k m e a r l y s h o w s a 2:1 s e r v o.
Either way, your link is perfectly clear that you refer to a continuous rotation (or for uninitiated) a gearmotor.
It's in the heading of the description.......
You hijacked this thread just to be a clown? Start your own thread and argue with yourself.