Servo Glitch while using adafruit Thermocouple libraries

Hi all,

I am using for a while both MAX31850 DallasTemp-master and MAX31850 OneWire-master libraries.
Currently I am adding a servo to the pwm output signal from the arduino. I tried out both codes separately and they work just fine, once they work in the same code the servo cant stop still at one position, glitching for some unknown reason.

I am not an expert in coding, but tried to figure out reading the cpp files of this libraries and the only thing that catch my eyes was the use of noInterrupts() and interrupt() functions.
Currently I am using a proximity sensor as an interrupt but Tried to delete that portion of the code and the glitch stays the same.

Can this be because of pin numbers, timers, interrupts?
Anyone with this problem?

For better understanding I post here a link of the exact example I am using. In coding I cancel the waiting for the response signal, as so, I am just cycling around and asking for some new values only if I have receive the a new read. --> Overview | Adafruit 1-Wire Thermocouple Amplifier - MAX31850K | Adafruit Learning System

//on setup

     sensors.getAddress(SPKThermocouple, 0);
     sensors.getAddress(EXTThermocouple, 1);  
     sensors.setResolution(SPKThermocouple, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
     sensors.setResolution(EXTThermocouple, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
     sensors.setWaitForConversion(false);       //  BYPASS SENSORS REFRESH WAIT TIME
if (sensors.isConversionAvailable(0)){
    thermoSPK = sensors.getTempC(SPKThermocouple);                                                      // READ SPARK TERMOCOUPLE
    thermoEXT = sensors.getTempC(EXTThermocouple);                                                      // READ EXHAUST TERMOCOUPLE
    sensors.requestTemperatures();                                                                      // ASK SENSORS TO REFRESH BUT DO NOT WAIT FOR THEM
    lastreadtime = nextreadtime;  

Can this be because of pin numbers, timers, interrupts?

We cannot see your setup and the snippets you post have nothing to do with a servo. We really need to see all the code and a schematic of your project. Usually servo problems are caused by insufficient power to the servo. Where is the servo getting its power? I am done guessing until I see more information.

By the way, the link doesn't work, blank page.

Sorry about that! You were right! I've just copied it from a shorter form. The link is fine now!
I have nothing unusual about the servo. The part of the setup is the one needed for those two libraries I posted...
I have a 12V external power supply just for the servo. The problem only occurs when I run the onewire protocol with thermocouples amplifiers.
I solved it by comment the noInterrupt() functions in the .cpp file of the MAX31850 OneWire-master Library. But as you can imagine is not quite the solution I intend to keep.

I have nothing unusual about the servo. The part of the setup is the one needed for those two libraries I posted...

If you want help, post the full program.
