Servo help.

Today I bought two of these servos.

I bring them home to test servo control and first follow the instructions in the Playground where the servos are powered by the Arduino itself, but this only turns off the board.

So I tried to use this 6 volt AA battery pack, I plugging the anodes and cathodes in either the brown or red.

Still nothing and the battery pack get's really warm and the servo tightens.

So I'm stuck. I just spent $75 on servo's and I really want them to work. Please help.


Did you make sure to tie the grounds of the servo battery and the power supply to the Arduino?

Check for a short like, a little piece of wire on the digital pin. If the battery is getting warm than there's probably something block the power from getting to the motor in the servo.

Did you make sure to tie the grounds of the servo battery and the power supply to the Arduino?

Can you explain this or can anyone for that matter show a schematic for this type of circuit? I'm using the 6 volts remote from the arduino, so the 6v isn't even touching the arduino, I'm just using it to send positions.


I'll do it again and check for a short.

YESS! It worked.
I must have had the polarity wrong on the arduino connections or who cares, because it works now. Thank you very much, now I'll need to work out how to use a battery pack instead. plays with servo

Finally worked out how to do it with a battery as well. Might draw it up for future reference. I just needed to put the negative lead from the battery pack to gnd, the positive from battery pack to positive on servo, and then negative on servo to gnd on arduino.