I am playing with the the Servo and ServoTimer1 libraries from the playground and using the sample code given and both libraries give the same error at compile time on Arduino 0010
: In function
setup': undefined reference to
ServoTimer1::attach(int)'o: In functionloop': o: In function
The IDE always highlights the last line before the first call to the 'attach' command as the error whether its a comment or code. I know its something simple that I am overlooking ... but I am just drawing a blank.
cheers ... BBR
//Example code for using ServoTimer1 library
// hardware control of up to two servos, on Arduino pins 9 & 10
#include <ServoTimer1.h>
ServoTimer1 servo1;
ServoTimer1 servo2;
void setup()
void loop()
static int v = 0;
if ( Serial.available()) {
char ch = Serial.read();
switch(ch) {
case '0'...'9':
v = v * 10 + ch - '0';
case 's':
v = 0;
case 'w':
v = 0;
case 'd':
case 'a':
// Notice that no ServoTimer1::refresh() is needed.
The library code is here
#include <ServoTimer1.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
ServoTimer1.h - Hardware Servo Timer Library
Author: Jim Studt, jim@federated.com
Copyright (c) 2007 David A. Mellis. All right reserved.
--boiler plate removed--
uint8_t ServoTimer1::attached9 = 0;
uint8_t ServoTimer1::attached10 = 0;
void ServoTimer1::seizeTimer1()
uint8_t oldSREG = SREG;
TCCR1A = _BV(WGM11); /* Fast PWM, ICR1 is top */
TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13) | _BV(WGM12) /* Fast PWM, ICR1 is top */
| _BV(CS11) /* div 8 clock prescaler */
OCR1A = 3000;
OCR1B = 3000;
ICR1 = clockCyclesPerMicrosecond()*(20000L/8); // 20000 uS is a bit fast for the refresh, 20ms, but
// it keeps us from overflowing ICR1 at 20MHz clocks
// That "/8" at the end is the prescaler.
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega168__)
TIMSK0 &= ~(_BV(TICIE1) | _BV(OCIE1A) | _BV(OCIE1B) | _BV(TOIE1) );
TIMSK &= ~(_BV(TICIE1) | _BV(OCIE1A) | _BV(OCIE1B) | _BV(TOIE1) );
SREG = oldSREG; // undo cli()
void ServoTimer1::releaseTimer1()
#define NO_ANGLE (0xff)
ServoTimer1::ServoTimer1() : pin(0),angle(NO_ANGLE),min16(34),max16(150)
void ServoTimer1::setMinimumPulse(uint16_t t)
min16 = t/16;
void ServoTimer1::setMaximumPulse(uint16_t t)
max16 = t/16;
uint8_t ServoTimer1::attach(int pinArg)
if ( pinArg != 9 && pinArg != 10) return 0;
pin = pinArg;
angle = NO_ANGLE;
if ( !attached9 && !attached10) seizeTimer1();
// muck with timer flags
if ( pin == 9) {
attached9 = 1;
TCCR1A = TCCR1A & ~_BV(COM1A0) | _BV(COM1A1);
} else {
attached10 = 1;
TCCR1A = TCCR1A & ~_BV(COM1B0) | _BV(COM1B1);
return 1;
void ServoTimer1::detach()
// muck with timer flags
if ( pin == 9) {
attached9 = 0;
TCCR1A = TCCR1A & ~_BV(COM1A0) & ~_BV(COM1A1);
} else {
attached10 = 0;
TCCR1A = TCCR1A & ~_BV(COM1B0) & ~_BV(COM1B1);
if ( !attached9 && !attached10) releaseTimer1();
void ServoTimer1::write(int angleArg)
uint16_t p;
if ( angleArg < 0) angleArg = 0;
if ( angleArg > 180) angleArg = 180;
angle = angleArg;
// bleh, have to use longs to prevent overflow, could be tricky if always a 16MHz clock, but not true
// That 8L on the end is the TCNT1 prescaler, it will need to change if the clock's prescaler changes,
// but then there will likely be an overflow problem, so it will have to be handled by a human.
p = (min16*16L*clockCyclesPerMicrosecond() + (max16-min16)*(16L*clockCyclesPerMicrosecond())*angle/180L)/8L;
if ( pin == 9) OCR1A = p;
else OCR1B = p;
uint8_t ServoTimer1::read()
return angle;
uint8_t ServoTimer1::attached()
if ( pin == 9 && attached9) return 1;
if ( pin == 10 && attached10) return 1;
return 0;
void ServoTimer1::refresh()