I'm just starting out with my Arduino, and I got one of the basic starter kits with a servo and some standard horns. I can control the servo and have it rotate from 0 to 180 degrees. What I'm looking for is a linkage that translates the servo's rotation into pure back and forth motion. What I want to do is have the servo press a button, without having to mount the servo next to the button.
I've played with a piece of wood with a hole cut in it, and a dowel rod that goes in the hole which is attached to a servo horn, to get the back and forth motion. I suspect there is a standard name for such a part, but I don't know what it is.
When I see servo controls for sale at ebay sites, I don't have the background yet to know what control I would want, and I can't visualize how a particular piece translates the rotational aspect of the servo into other motion.
So, is there a standard name for the linkage that allows a servo to do pure back and forth motion?
Ultimately for my project, I might like something that looks like a finger that is controlled by the servo to press the button. There is the Roy kickstarter project (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1647660643/meet-roy-an-experiment-in-animatronics-part-one?ref=category), that if successfully funded would offer a laser cut kit to make a finger. Are there other sources of something like a robot finger for pressing buttons at US $50 or cheaper?