Servo motor not working with LCD screen

Can you help me with my useless box project?
The operation of this project is simple.
The slide switch is in the “off” (left) position at all times. If someone touches it, the servomotor is activated and moves it back to its initial position.
This was version 1.0 and is working perfectly.
So, I decided to create a 2.0 version, which would show a funny phrase every time the switch is pushed. The problem is that when I added the LCD screen the motor started to behave in a strange way and no longer rotates with the activation of the switch, as it did before. The LCD part appears to be working properly.
You can see and test my project in tinkercad if you want

Thank you very much!
This is my code so far:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Servo.h>

int ii = 0;
Servo servo_1;
LiquidCrystal lcd(3,4,5,10,11,12,13);

void setup() 
  // parte do lcd
  lcd.begin (16,2);
  lcd.print("Do not touch!");
  pinMode(2, INPUT);
  servo_1.attach(1, 500, 2500);

void loop() {
  while (digitalRead(2) < HIGH) {
	// Servo Motor  
    if (digitalRead(2) < HIGH) {
  	  else {
   ii = (ii + 1);
   if (ii == 1) {
        lcd.print("Phrase 1");
    if (ii == 2) {
        lcd.print("Phrase 2");
    if (ii == 3) {
        lcd.print("Phrase 3");
   delay(1000); // Wait for motor to slide switch back to "off" position

Sem título.png

Sem título.png

I (vaguely) remember a similar issue with a servo library, something like disabling output (or PWM?) on pins 9 and 10. Could you try moving the LCD wire from pin 10 to pin 6, and changing your code to LiquidCrystal lcd(3,4,5,6,11,12,13); ?

True, the Servo library disables PWM on pins 9 and 10, but PWM has nothing to do with either the LCD or controlling servos.

I would use a different pin for the servo. Even though you are not using Serial, pin 1 is still connected to the TX output of the USB to serial chip. And since your best debugging tool is the serial port, you should save it for when (not if) you need it for that.

Is the system really powered from USB? If so running both LCD and servo from the Arduino 5V pin may be pushing your luck. To test this try powering the servo separately with 4 x AA batteries (preferably rechargeable 1.2V types) and see if that helps.

BTW why use <HIGH instead of ==LOW? It looks really odd.
