Servo Motors Misbehaving


I'm developing a low cost 3D LiDAR sensor using the Garmin LiDAR lite v3 with two SG 5010 servo motors on a pan and tilt gimble.
Heavily inspired by: Schematics and Arduino Code – Lidar Scanner

I got the scanner working perfecty, the servo motors were controlling the pitch and yaw as per the code and the LiDAR was outputting x,y,z coords.

However, I went to use the scanner today to try and produce a 3D scan that I could process and the servo motors have stopped working.

The y-axis (pitch) servo has stopped working completely and the x-axis servo works sporadically.

Using the same setup, I ran the example sweep sketch for both servos with no prevail.
I then took apart the gimble and used the servo motors individually using the Uno board and it began working again.

Setup: (4 x AA batteries used in lieu of 5v power)


#include <Servo.h> 
#include <I2C.h>
#define    LIDARLite_ADDRESS   0x62          // Default I2C Address of LIDAR-Lite.
#define    RegisterMeasure     0x00          // Register to write to initiate ranging.
#define    MeasureValue        0x04          // Value to initiate ranging.
#define    RegisterHighLowB    0x8f          // Register to get both High and Low bytes in 1 call.
Servo serNo01;
Servo serNo02;
int pos01 = 0; 
int pos02 = 0; 
int start = 1;
void setup() 

  serNo01.attach(10); //sweep
  serNo02.attach(9); //pitch  
  I2c.begin();          // Opens & joins the irc bus as master
  delay(100);        // Waits to make sure everything is powered up before sending or receiving data  
  I2c.timeOut(50);    // Sets a timeout to ensure no locking up of sketch if I2C communication fails
void loop() {
if( start == 1){
   for(pos02 = 0; pos02 < 45; pos02 += 1)  // 0 to 45 degrees with 1 degree step
    delay(200);                       // time set 200 ms to reach  slowly

// 0 to 145
  for(pos01 = 0; pos01 < 145; pos01 += 1)  // 0 to 145 degrees with 1 degree step
    delay(10);                       // time set 100 ms to reach 


// 145 to 0
  for(pos01 = 145; pos01 >= 0; pos01 -= 1)  // 0 to 145 degrees with 1 degree step
    delay(10);                       // time set 100 ms to reach 
    // Take a measurement with receiver bias correction and print to serial terminal

void GetDist(){
// Write 0x04 to register 0x00
  uint8_t nackack = 100; // Setup variable to hold ACK/NACK resopnses     
  while (nackack != 0){ // While NACK keep going (i.e. continue polling until sucess message (ACK) is received )
    nackack = I2c.write(LIDARLite_ADDRESS,RegisterMeasure, MeasureValue); // Write 0x04 to 0x00
    delay(1); // Wait 1 ms to prevent overpolling
  byte distanceArray[2]; // array to store distance bytes from read function
  // Read 2byte distance from register 0x8f
  nackack = 100;        // Setup variable to hold ACK/NACK resopnses     
  while (nackack != 0){ // While NACK keep going (i.e. continue polling until sucess message (ACK) is received )
    nackack =,RegisterHighLowB, 2, distanceArray); // Read 2 Bytes from LIDAR-Lite Address and store in array
    delay(1); // Wait 1 ms to prevent overpolling
  int distance = (distanceArray[0] << 8) + distanceArray[1];  // Shift high byte [0] 8 to the left and add low byte [1] to create 16-bit int
  // Print Distance and axis pos

Also, if I literally push the x-axis servo motor it begins working with the above code - could this be a power issue?

Thanks in advance for the help!

The servo - (negative) is not connected to the battery -.

I hope you really don't have the UNO 5V and GND connected like this;
(Yellow circle)

Tom.... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

?? Time to put some decent batteries in ! :face_with_thermometer:

Do you have a DMM?

Thanks.. Tom.... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

lol fortunately not, just grabbed the layout from another similar project

Yes - will try and switch out to a better power source tomorrow if I can pick one up. Seems like the only issue?

Hi all,

Was hoping to get some more help with this - I've tried multiple more reliable power source's with no prevail. My next guess was a faulty breadboard but, after a new breadboard the same problems persist.

Using the wiring above, each servo motor works using the example sweep code individually.
The LiDAR scanner is also reading 'nack' distance values, I also think it isn't getting appropriate power.

Haven't a clue whats going wrong with this, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Next step I guess would be to replace the servos which i'm reluctant to do.

Have you got a DMM yet?
It will be invaluable to help troubleshoot.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Yep I've got one.

Then RTFM and start using it :woozy_face:

Use it to;
Monitor the power supply voltage at the power supply, when you have the problem.
Monitor the power supply voltage at the at the Lidar, when you have the problem.
Monitor the power supply voltage at each of the servos, when you have the problem.
Monitor the power supply voltage at the UNO, when you have the problem.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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