Servo (or me) being stupid (probably me)

I have a project I am working on and when I plug the servo in it just spins constantly in one direction. If I upload a basic sweep program is seems to work fine although I need to unplug the servo from power first otherwise in continues to spin. The only code for the servo is under an if statement so it shouldn't be doing anything unless a button is pressed.



#include <Stepper.h>
#include <Servo.h>

int Push_Button  = 2;
int Limit_Switch = 13;
//int servo_Pin = 3;

// Create a servo object 
Servo MyServo;

// Define the servo pin:
#define servoPin 3

// Create a variable to store the servo position:
int angle = 0;
const int   Steps_Per_Rev  = 200;
const float Gear_Reduc     = -0.5;
const float Gear_Reduc_Rev = 4;
const float Forward_Rev    = Steps_Per_Rev * Gear_Reduc;
const float Backward_Rev   = Steps_Per_Rev * Gear_Reduc_Rev;

Stepper myStepper(Steps_Per_Rev, 8, 9, 10, 11);

unsigned long prevTime = millis();

void ForwardRev()
  if (digitalRead(Push_Button)  == LOW)    // Is the button being pressed
      myStepper.step(Forward_Rev);          // Move the motor forward.
      //Make servo go to 90 degrees 

void BackwardRev()
  if (digitalRead(Push_Button) == HIGH &&// Is the limit switch pressed.
      digitalRead(Limit_Switch) == LOW)
      myStepper.step(Backward_Rev);         // Move the motor backwards.

void setup()
  MyServo.attach(servoPin); // We need to attach the servo to the used pin number 

  pinMode(Limit_Switch, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(Push_Button,  INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop()
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();
  if (currentTime - prevTime > 50) {
    prevTime = currentTime;

You forgot the { & }

is it necessary to tell the servo to move forward?
MyServo.write(90); is telling this allso I think.

if (digitalRead(Push_Button)  == LOW)    // Is the button being pressed
      //myStepper.step(Forward_Rev);          // Move the motor forward.
      //Make servo go to 90 degrees 

There are two motors in the project. One is a servo and one is a stepper. The stepper and the servo need to move at the same time.

Made some corrections and added some notes for you. This should solve most of your issues.

#include <Stepper.h>
#include <Servo.h>

int Push_Button  = 2;
int Limit_Switch = 13;
//int servo_Pin = 3;

// Create a servo object 
Servo MyServo;

// Define the servo pin:
#define servoPin 3 //Using define is frowned upon but if you want to use it thats fine

// Create a variable to store the servo position:
int angle = 0;
const int   Steps_Per_Rev  = 200;
const float Gear_Reduc     = -0.5;
const float Gear_Reduc_Rev = 4;
const float Forward_Rev    = Steps_Per_Rev * Gear_Reduc;
const float Backward_Rev   = Steps_Per_Rev * Gear_Reduc_Rev;

Stepper myStepper(Steps_Per_Rev, 8, 9, 10, 11);

unsigned long prevTime = millis();

void ForwardRev()
  int button_state = digitalRead(Push_Button);// Get the button state before you use in the if statement
  delay(100);//Delay a bit for debouncing
  if ( button_state == LOW)      // Is the button being pressed
    //If you are going to have multi statements you really need to put them inside brackets

void BackwardRev()
  if (digitalRead(Push_Button) == HIGH &&// Is the limit switch pressed.
      digitalRead(Limit_Switch) == LOW)
      myStepper.step(Backward_Rev);         // Move the motor backwards.

void setup()
  MyServo.attach(servoPin); // We need to attach the servo to the used pin number 
  MyServo.write(0);// write the servo to the 0 pos first

  pinMode(Limit_Switch, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(Push_Button,  INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop()
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();
  if (currentTime - prevTime > 50) {
    prevTime = currentTime;

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