Servo power problem

Im trying to use a 6v ~2 amp servo with an Uno board. I've been testing with a simple sweep sketch. With 12v applied to the board and using onboard 5v, the servo runs fine, if slowly. With my application I'll need about 2 amps. I tried a voltage divider from the 12v supply to reduce the voltage to the servo to 6v and the servo will not run, it just quietly ticks. I verified i have 6v at the servo. Any ideas?

I would use a separate power supply for the servo with a common ground shared with the Arduino and its power supply. Super important that both power supplies share a coming ground. This should isolate the high amp requirements of the servo from interfering with the Arduino or vice versa.

I'll try that, although that's what i thought i was doing with the voltage divider. I did notice that when the servo was attached and power supplied, the voltage from the divider oscillated ~ +/- 1v, so maybe that will fix it.

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