Servo problem

I state that I am new to the community and that I am a beginner with Arduino, I would be really grateful if you could give me some advices about the servos. How can i reset the resting position of a servo? I'm trying to make a robotic arm with 6 micro servos 9g but some of them don't consider the resting position (int i = 0) that i want. I tried to reset the Arduino's schedule but nothing changed. Can you help me please?!

You can’t reset the zero position of the servo - usually you remove the servo arm move it around to a better position or modify your linkage.

SG90 servos or whatever - do they have a resting position? Would they not start up in the same position as last powered and wait for command pulses?

Small cheap servos will be stateless, so always power up in the same position.

You need to set the commanded angle immediately on power up, but you are still at the mercy of the
bootloader's delay as it waits for uploads before launching the current sketch.

Remember what servo's are made for, controlling the control-surfaces of RC planes - that's all they need
to do.

Robotics-grade servos are more featureful.

If all your servos start up in a given position then, as already said. your best bet is to move the servo arms round so that the position they start in is the position you want them in.

Other than that please post the code you're using so we can if it is possible to make any changes there that may help.


The Arduino Servo library sets the position to 90 degrees by default at startup, you can overide this by setting your desired position before attaching.
For example, start at 30 degrees:
In setup():
