Servo problems

Should I be including a 1ohm resistor on the input signal side of my servo motors? It just doesn't seem to be right to directly wire the servo's to the input pin.

If you're going to add a resistor, there's not much point in putting in a one ohm, that's just the same as a long wire.

I don't bother with any resistors.

Should I be including a 1ohm resistor on the input signal side of my servo motors? It just doesn't seem to be right to directly wire the servo's to the input pin.

I think you mean an -output- pin...right?

That said - there's no reason to worry about hooking one or more servos to an output pin for -control- (that is, for the PPM signals to the servos). Provided that you don't exceed the current limitations of a pin (20 mA is what is recommended as the conservative max) - which for servo control signals would mean you'd have to hang several off one pin - you'll be just fine.

Now - note - that doesn't mean you can -power- the servos from the Arduino. This is a HUGE "no-no"! Servos should always be powered from an external power source (generally between 4.8 and 6 volts DC - though there are some servos out there that can take higher voltages - but most servos use the standard range); four AA cells in series (alkaline, NiMH, or NiCd) are the usual means of doing this.

I don't bother with any resistors.

I've read using a resistor (probably a few k ohm) can help with noise issues. I personally don't bother with resistors in any of my servo projects.