I am setting up a number of sg90 servos to run turnouts and turntables on a model railway.
I have my main sketch which runs on a Nano with 4x PCA96585's connected.
I am using RS485 bus, the computer software is JMRI/CMRI.
All works fine but my trouble is setting up the servos accurately.
I have 2 basic sketches.
Sketch1 I connect each servo one at a time and find the positions I need,
I then transfer those positions to Sketch2 which runs the servos back and forth as confirmation.
I then transfer those figures to my main sketch, but they do not match up and the servos go to different positions.
Any help please much appreciated.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
#define button1 6
#define button2 7
#define button3 8
int Mid =348;
int x = 348;
byte Button1Pressed;
byte Button2Pressed;
byte Button3Pressed;
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(0x40);
uint8_t servonum = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(button1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(button2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(button3, INPUT_PULLUP);
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pwm.setPWMFreq(60); // Analog servos run at ~60 Hz updates not sure about this myself but will stick with it
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, Mid);
void loop() {
Button1Pressed = digitalRead(button1);
Button2Pressed = digitalRead(button2);
Button3Pressed = digitalRead(button3);
if (Button1Pressed == LOW){
x = x+5;
if (Button2Pressed == LOW){
x = x-5;
if (Button3Pressed == LOW){
x = (Mid);
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, x);
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
// called this way, it uses the default address 0x40
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(0x40);
#define SERVOMIN 338 // this is the 'minimum' pulse length count (out of 4096)
#define SERVOMID 348 // this should give 90 degs of movement
#define SERVOMAX 638 // this is the 'maximum' pulse length count (out of 4096)
// our servo # counter
uint8_t servonum = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.println("16 channel Servo test!");
pwm.setPWMFreq(60); // Analog servos run at ~60 Hz updates not sure about this myself but will stick with it
void loop() {
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, SERVOMIN);
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, SERVOMID);
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, SERVOMAX);
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, SERVOMID);
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
#include <CMRI.h>
#include <Auto485.h>
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm1 = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(0x40); //setup the board address
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm2 = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(0x41);
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm3 = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(0x42);
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm4 = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(0x43);
Auto485 bus(2); // Arduino pin 2 -> MAX485 DE and RE pins
CMRI cmri(5, 24, 48, bus); //CMRI node & Nano number
int Tbit[48]; //Max bits allowed from CMRI
int currentPos1[16]; // current positions for 16 servos per board
int currentPos2[16];
int currentPos3[16];
int currentPos4[16];
void setup() {
bus.begin(115200); //Starts the RS485 bus
pwm1.setPWMFreq(60); // This is the maximum PWM frequency
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) // set and remember initial positions using array
pwm1.setPWM(i, 0, 348); // set initial position
currentPos1[i] = 348; // and remember it as current
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
pwm2.setPWM(i, 0, 348); // set initial position
currentPos2[i] = 348; // and remember it as current
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
pwm3.setPWM(i, 0, 348); // set initial position
currentPos3[i] = 348; // and remember it as current
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
pwm4.setPWM(i, 0, 348); // set initial position
currentPos4[i] = 348; // and remember it as current
void loop() {
for (int i=0; i<48; i++){
Tbit[i] = cmri.get_bit(i);
int angle;
int i;
// if (Tbit[0] == 1) { //Bit1 CT5001 received from CMRI when turnout/switch thrown.
// slowMove1(9, 1, 145); //CT5001 offset by 1 from Tbit[0].
// } // Moves servo 9 at speed rate 1 to position 145.
// if (Tbit[0] == 0) { //Bit0 CT5001 received from CMRI.
// slowMove1(9, 1, 400); //Moves servo 9 speed rate 1 to position 400.
// }
// if (Tbit[1] == 1) {
// slowMove1(10, 1, 145);//CT5002
// }
// if (Tbit[1] == 0) {
// slowMove1(10, 1, 400);//CT5002
// }
// if (Tbit[2] == 1) {
// slowMove1(11, 1, 145);//CT5003
// }
// if (Tbit[2] == 0) {
// slowMove1(11, 1, 400);//CT5003
// }
// if (Tbit[3] == 1) {
// slowMove1(12, 1, 145);//CT5004
// }
// if (Tbit[3] == 0) {
// slowMove1(12, 1, 400);//CT5004
// }
// if (Tbit[4] == 1) {
// slowMove1(13, 1, 145);//CT5005
// }
// if (Tbit[4] == 0) {
// slowMove1(13, 1, 400);//CT5005
// }
// if (Tbit[5] == 1) {
// slowMove1(14, 1, 145);//CT5006
// }
// if (Tbit[5] == 0) {
// slowMove1(14, 1, 400);//CT5006
// }
if (Tbit[6] == 1) {
slowMove1(15, 10, 350);//CT5007
if (Tbit[6] == 0) {
slowMove1(15, 10, 440);//CT5007
// if (Tbit[7] == 1) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 145);//CT5008
// }
// if (Tbit[7] == 0) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 400);//CT5008
// }
// if (Tbit[8] == 1) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 145);//CT5009
// }
// if (Tbit[8] == 0) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 400);//CT5009
// }
// if (Tbit[9] == 1) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 145);//CT5010
// }
// if (Tbit[9] == 0) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 400);//CT5010
// }
// if (Tbit[10] == 1) {
// slowMove1(9, 1, 145);//CT5011
// }
// if (Tbit[10] == 0) {
// slowMove1(9, 1, 400);//CT5011
// }
// if (Tbit[11] == 1) {
// slowMove1(10, 1, 145);//CT5012
// }
// if (Tbit[11] == 0) {
// slowMove1(10, 1, 400);//CT5012
// }
if (Tbit[12] == 1) {
slowMove2(0, 10, 338);//CT5013
if (Tbit[12] == 0) {
slowMove2(0, 10, 638);//CT5013
if (Tbit[13] == 1) {
slowMove2(1, 10, 413);//CT5014
if (Tbit[13] == 0) {
slowMove2(1, 10, 703);//CT5014
// if (Tbit[14] == 1) {
// slowMove2(2, 1, 145);//CT5015
// }
// if (Tbit[14] == 0) {
// slowMove2(2, 1, 400);//CT5015
// }
// if (Tbit[15] == 1) {
// slowMove2(3, 1, 145);//CT5016
// }
// if (Tbit[15] == 0) {
// slowMove2(3, 1, 400);//CT5016
// }
// if (Tbit[16] == 1) {
// slowMove2(4, 1, 145);//CT5017
// }
// if (Tbit[16] == 0) {
// slowMove2(4, 1, 400);//CT5017
// }
// if (Tbit[17] == 1) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 145);//CT5018
// }
// if (Tbit[17] == 0) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 400);//CT5018
// }
// if (Tbit[18] == 1) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 145);//CT5019
// }
// if (Tbit[18] == 0) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 400);//CT5019
// }
// if (Tbit[19] == 1) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 145);//CT5020
// }
// if (Tbit[19] == 0) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 400);//CT5020
// }
// if (Tbit[20] == 1) {
// slowMove1(9, 1, 145);//CT5021
// }
// if (Tbit[20] == 0) {
// slowMove1(9, 1, 400);//CT5021
// }
// if (Tbit[21] == 1) {
// slowMove1(10, 1, 145);//CT5022
// }
// if (Tbit[21] == 0) {
// slowMove1(10, 1, 400);//CT5022
// }
// if (Tbit[22] == 1) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 145);//CT5023
// }
// if (Tbit[22] == 0) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 400);//CT5023
// }
// if (Tbit[23] == 1) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 145);//CT5024
// }
// if (Tbit[23] == 0) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 400);//CT5024
// }
// if (Tbit[24] == 1) {
// slowMove3(13, 1, 145);//CT5025
// }
// if (Tbit[24] == 0) {
// slowMove3(13, 1, 400);//CT5025
// }
// if (Tbit[25] == 1) {
// slowMove3(14, 1, 145);//CT5026
// }
// if (Tbit[25] == 0) {
// slowMove3(14, 1, 400);//CT5026
// }
// if (Tbit[26] == 1) {
// slowMove3(15, 1, 145);//CT5027
// }
// if (Tbit[26] == 0) {
// slowMove3(15, 1, 400);//CT5027
// }
// if (Tbit[27] == 1) {
// slowMove3(0, 1, 145);//CT5028
// }
// if (Tbit[27] == 0) {
// slowMove3(0, 1, 400);//CT5028
// }
// if (Tbit[28] == 1) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 145);//CT5029
// }
// if (Tbit[28] == 0) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 400);//CT5029
// }
// if (Tbit[29] == 1) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 145);//CT5030
// }
// if (Tbit[29] == 0) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 400);//CT5030
// }
// if (Tbit[30] == 1) {
// slowMove1(9, 1, 145);//CT5031
// }
// if (Tbit[30] == 0) {
// slowMove1(9, 1, 400);//CT5031
// }
// if (Tbit[31] == 1) {
// slowMove1(10, 1, 145);//CT5032
// }
// if (Tbit[31] == 0) {
// slowMove1(10, 1, 400);//CT5032
// }
// if (Tbit[32] == 1) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 145);//CT5033
// }
// if (Tbit[32] == 0) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 400);//CT5033
// }
// if (Tbit[33] == 1) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 145);//CT5034
// }
// if (Tbit[33] == 0) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 400);//CT5034
// }
// if (Tbit[34] == 1) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 145);//CT5035
// }
// if (Tbit[34] == 0) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 400);//CT5035
// }
// if (Tbit[35] == 1) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 145);//CT5036
// }
// if (Tbit[35] == 0) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 400);//CT5036
// }
// if (Tbit[36] == 1) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 145);//CT5037
// }
// if (Tbit[36] == 0) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 400);//CT5037
// }
// if (Tbit[37] == 1) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 145);//CT5038
// }
// if (Tbit[37] == 0) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 400);//CT5038
// }
// if (Tbit[38] == 1) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 145);//CT5039
// }
// if (Tbit[38] == 0) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 400);//CT5039
// }
// if (Tbit[39] == 1) {
// slowMove4(3, 1, 145);//CT5040
// }
// if (Tbit[39] == 0) {
// slowMove4(3, 1, 400);//CT5040
// }
// if (Tbit[40] == 1) {
// slowMove4(15, 1, 145);//CT5041
// }
// if (Tbit[40] == 0) {
// slowMove4(15, 1, 400);//CT5041
// }
// if (Tbit[41] == 1) {
// slowMove1(10, 1, 145);//CT5042
// }
// if (Tbit[41] == 0) {
// slowMove1(10, 1, 400);//CT5042
// }
// if (Tbit[42] == 1) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 145);//CT5043
// }
// if (Tbit[42] == 0) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 400);//CT5043
// }
// if (Tbit[43] == 1) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 145);//CT5044
// }
// if (Tbit[43] == 0) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 400);//CT5044
// }
// if (Tbit[44] == 1) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 145);//CT5045
// }
// if (Tbit[44] == 0) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 400);//CT5045
// }
// if (Tbit[45] == 1) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 145);//CT5046
// }
// if (Tbit[45] == 0) {
// slowMove4(1, 1, 400);//CT5046
// }
// if (Tbit[46] == 1) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 145);//CT5047
// }
// if (Tbit[46] == 0) {
// slowMove4(2, 1, 400);//CT5047
// }
// if (Tbit[47] == 1) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 145);//CT5048
// }
// if (Tbit[47] == 0) {
// slowMove4(0, 1, 400);//CT5048
// }
// Checks to see if a move is needed using currentPos[]
// if so it uses for loop to move to position given in 'to' argument
// speed of the move is controlled by delayTime smaller delay = faster move
void slowMove1(int servoNum, int delayTime, int to)
if (currentPos1[servoNum] == to) return; // Nothing to do if it's already there
else if (to > currentPos1[servoNum])
for (int i = currentPos1[servoNum]; i < to; i++)
pwm1.setPWM(servoNum, 0, i);
else if (currentPos1[servoNum] > to)
for (int i = currentPos1[servoNum]; i > to; i--)
pwm1.setPWM(servoNum, 0, i);
currentPos1[servoNum] = to; // save the current servo position
void slowMove2(int servoNum, int delayTime, int to)
if (currentPos2[servoNum] == to) return; // Nothing to do if it's already there
else if (to > currentPos2[servoNum])
for (int i = currentPos2[servoNum]; i < to; i++)
pwm2.setPWM(servoNum, 0, i);
else if (currentPos2[servoNum] > to)
for (int i = currentPos2[servoNum]; i > to; i--)
pwm2.setPWM(servoNum, 0, i);
currentPos2[servoNum] = to; // save the current servo position
void slowMove3(int servoNum, int delayTime, int to)
if (currentPos3[servoNum] == to) return; // Nothing to do if it's already there
else if (to > currentPos3[servoNum])
for (int i = currentPos3[servoNum]; i < to; i++)
pwm3.setPWM(servoNum, 0, i);
else if (currentPos3[servoNum] > to)
for (int i = currentPos3[servoNum]; i > to; i--)
pwm3.setPWM(servoNum, 0, i);
currentPos3[servoNum] = to; // save the current servo position
void slowMove4(int servoNum, int delayTime, int to)
if (currentPos4[servoNum] == to) return; // Nothing to do if it's already there
else if (to > currentPos4[servoNum])
for (int i = currentPos4[servoNum]; i < to; i++)
pwm4.setPWM(servoNum, 0, i);
else if (currentPos4[servoNum] > to)
for (int i = currentPos4[servoNum]; i > to; i--)
pwm4.setPWM(servoNum, 0, i);
currentPos4[servoNum] = to; // save the current servo position