Servo stop working and charging orange light switch off

Hi everybody,
i tried to look for answer already posted in the past but i didn't find.

I'm new on programming and Arduino Engeneering kit rev2 is my first step in this world.
I was following the tutorial step by step but i face a problem with the Servo.
At the beginning was working with this part of code:

'a = arduino;'
'carrier = motorCarrier(a);'
's = servo(carrier,3);'

then using arrow positioning and it moves.

and i saved the 2 points as described.

After few try with code and positioning the servo do not respond anymore, do not move at all.
I notice that the orange light for battery charge switch off.
If I remove the Servo connector the light switch on again.
I tried to reboot the pc, reset the arduino, reinstall everything starting from the beginning, I recharge the battery in other device to be sure not a battery problem but no way to move it again.
Someone could suggest what to try to solve this issue.

Thanks a lot for help.

Not everyone will know what that means.

There is not much to be honest..
This image is the beginning.

And this is the part of the code to insert to move the servo when you want to..

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