Good morning everyone, I've been struggling with a code i want to write.
Its about making 2 servo's turn with one button for as long as i press the same button again.
The other scenario is that button 2 has to place the servo a few steps to a direction with a repeatedly distance.
Also when power cuts, the servo has to start again from his last position, so not a begin position where it turns to every time.. For me its not necessary to know on what degree it is because it just has to sent a few pulses.
Can't wait to read the suggestions.
Kind regards,
Senna Nieuwland
I did write some codes but not worthy for this
I'm a beginner programmer and really want to understand how it all works. I do have a code in my tinker.
Do you have physical UNO Board to run your sketch of Post-6?2.
Your obejectives (what you want the Servos should do in response to Buttons' action) should be stated more clearly like: 1. Intially, both Sevos are at postion 0 degree. 2. Press Button-1, the Servo_L keeps moving. 3. Press Button-2, the Servo_R keeps moving. 4. Press both Button-1 and Button-2 simultanesouly, ther Servos.....
Thanks for replying, with button 1 both servo's should turn at the same speed. With button 2 the servo's need to turn for a specific time.
Note: the servo's are continuous.
I'm using a physical Atmega.