servomotor control with pwm

i am doing a project on a quadcopter using ultrasoinc sensors to avoid collisions. How do i control the speed servo motors on the quadcopter using pwm

How do i control the speed servo motors on the quadcopter using pwm

What do the servo motors do?
Ordinary R/C servos can be controlled using the Servo library, which produces the particular form of PWM common to R/C systems since the 1970s.

i am doing a project on a quadcopter using ultrasoinc sensors to avoid collisions. How do i control the speed servo motors on the quadcopter using pwm

Do you mean the rotor control signals ? Which are PWM any way , no servos involved.

Or are you using servos to scan the ultrasonic modules ?

I think that you don't want to control the drone motors directly, bypassing the built-in stabilization and steering code. What you want is sending movement commands to the drone, which make it stop or fly around the obstacle, overriding other steering commands.

For the technical part of your project, do you have full access to the drone controller code, or how else is your Arduino code and hardware related to your project?