Here is a simulation (with code) that uses PWM to move the servo. You'll need to add a potentiometer.
Adjust the MIN/MAX PWM mapping in this line to see if your servo can be dialed in...
// Map 450us to 2550us for simulator. Use 1000us to 2000us (1ms to 2ms) for average servo
unsigned long timeON = map(potentiometerValue, 0, 1023, 440, 2550);
This is amazing @xfpd , this may be what I need, let me see if there is anyway amount of dialing in that could help me…. Honestly I know I keep pointing it out, but the high times are so far out of whack, but at least I may be able to find some serviceable levels I could use in the “myservo.attach(9, xxxx, xxxx) function.
Also, if you have any advice on other libraries to try, that might get me somewhere. Any idea what the second “go-to” is?
I’ll try the mobatools library tonight @xfpd and report back. Last question then I will leave you alone until I have tried your suggestions; is there any easy way to easily generate the pwm signals between 500ms and 2500ms on the correct pin and correct frequency without a library? I realize the hard part would be you can’t use delay or else you can’t have any other logic in there without messing up your signal. Maybe milli?
The sim in post #41 uses no library or delay. It uses a micros() timer, and an editable max/min PWM. Frequency is 20microseconds (find the totalTime variable).
Thank you so much @xfpd and @TomGeorge , you are all extremely nice to help strangers online troubleshoot their problems. Thank you, happy black Friday if in the US