Set an object to an class instance

In the following code I get an error:

sketch_mar25a:26:46: error: assignment of function 'TestClass xxxMe()'
if (ESP.getChipId() == xxxA.chipId) {xxxMe = xxxA; return;}
sketch_mar25a:26:46: error: cannot convert 'TestClass' to 'TestClass()' in assignment

How do I get xxxMe to be set to one of the four other values of the class?

class TestClass{
    int     chipId;
    int     loopNum;
    int     loopCnt;
    int     blockNum;

    TestClass() {}
    TestClass(int loopNumber, int loopCount, int blockNumber )
      chipId = ((loopNumber*256)+loopCount)*256+blockNumber;
      loopNum = loopNumber;
      loopCnt = loopCount;
      blockNum = blockNumber;
TestClass xxxMe();
TestClass xxxA(0, 4, 0);
TestClass xxxB(0, 4, 1);
TestClass xxxC(0, 4, 2); 
TestClass xxxD(0, 4, 3);

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  if (ESP.getChipId() == xxxA.chipId) {xxxMe = xxxA; return;}
  if (ESP.getChipId() == xxxB.chipId) {xxxMe = xxxB; return;}
  if (ESP.getChipId() == xxxC.chipId) {xxxMe = xxxC; return;}
  if (ESP.getChipId() == xxxD.chipId) {xxxMe = xxxD; return;}

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Thanks for the help. I have modified the code and it is working. I thought I was calling the null constructor.

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