Set TCCR and ICR in class constructor don't remain when entering setup()

Hi all,

I have created a class to control the PWM output of a pin. In the constructor of the class, I set the TCCRnA, TCCRnB, ICRn registers. I have noticed however that, the values of the TCCRnA and B registers get changed to some other value and the ICR value can also change.. Does anyone have any suggestions why this is?

My example code for my arduino mega ADK is as follows:

class MyClass{
        MyClass(const uint8_t & pin, volatile unsigned int & ICRn, 
                    volatile unsigned int & OCRnX, volatile unsigned char & TCCRnA_in,  
                    volatile unsigned char & TCCRnB, int ocrEnableBit, 
                    const double & pwmTop);
        void init();
        const uint8_t & myPin;
        double desiredOCR;
	volatile unsigned int & ICRn;
        volatile unsigned char & TCCRnA;
        volatile unsigned char & TCCRnB;
        volatile unsigned int & OCRnX;
	int ocrEnableBit;	
        const double & PWM_TOP;

MyClass::MyClass(const uint8_t & pin, volatile unsigned int & ICRn, 
                volatile unsigned int & OCRnX, volatile unsigned char & TCCRnA_in,  
                volatile unsigned char & TCCRnB, int ocrEnableBit, 
                const double & pwmTop):myPin(pin), ICRn(ICRn), TCCRnA(TCCRnA_in), 
                TCCRnB(TCCRnB), OCRnX(OCRnX), ocrEnableBit(ocrEnableBit), 
    pinMode(myPin, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(myPin, LOW);
    ICRn = (unsigned int) (PWM_TOP) ;
    OCRnX = 0;

void MyClass::init(){
    TCCRnA =  B00000010;//_BV(WGM31)    ; // dont enable output compare until PWM is needed, otherwise, get output spikes when OC == 0
    TCCRnB = B00011001;//_BV(WGM33) | _BV(WGM32) | _BV(CS30);
    ICRn = (unsigned int) (PWM_TOP) ;

const double PWM_TOP = 0xFFFE; //was 8192
const uint8_t myPin = 44;
MyClass myClass(myPin, ICR5, OCR5C, TCCR5A, TCCR5B, COM5C1, PWM_TOP);

void setup(){
    //why are the values here not the same as when i set them in MyClass constructor and i power the arduino with external power?
    Serial.println(TCCR5A, BIN);
    Serial.println(TCCR5B, BIN);
    //I have to set them again to get what I want
    Serial.println(TCCR5A, BIN);
    Serial.println(TCCR5B, BIN);

void loop(){

when the arduino is powered by usb, my output is

when i power my power with an external supply, i get

why are the TCCR values not the same as what I set them in the constructor and why do i get different behaviour when powered by an external supply?

Thanks in advance

There are set when the program starts by code provided by the IDE. Why would you think that the class constructor does anything BEFORE you create an instance of the class.


Ah, i expected as much, thanks. Do you know where i can find the code that changes this? Just so I know what else is set.

Why would you think that the class constructor does anything BEFORE you create an instance of the class.

I never did. an instance is created and in that constructor, values are set. I know this happens before setup(), which is why I was expecting the values to already be set when I entered setup().

Do you have any idea why the behaviour of the ICR value might be different between when the arduino is powered via usb or an external source?

The IDE is open source .......


The appropriate place to initialize the hardware is in setup via a begin method. Serial.begin is a good example.

...and why do i get different behaviour when powered by an external supply?

Can't help with that.

Do you know where i can find the code that changes this?