Is there any mode declared within the Adafruit or GX library that would allow me to inquiry the tft about its current settings (from within a soubroutine)?
Something opposite to setTextColor() that may eventually read as "getTextColor()" or similar?
I went thtough the libraries, but frankly speaking sometime I do find frustrating having only the *.h as a reference to the modes, resulting in a lot of guessing and missing badly further explanations.
Maybe I haven't cleary understood yet where to find a detailed refence to the libraries.
Forgive my naivety.
You can write a class that inherits from your current class. Then you could add a getTextColor() method.
Or you could edit your private Adafruit_GFX code. Of course no one else would see your method. e.g.
Adafruit_GFX.h --- edit the class declaration public list:
Quite honestly, I have never seen the need to request textcolor. But I have tested textcolor against textbgcolor in a derived class to see whether the user wanted transparent or solid text.