Hallo zusammen,
ich versuche Daten aus dem VM-Speicher einer Logo 0BA8 auszulesen. Für die definierten Parameter wie Timer funktioniert dies auch mit Settimino, allerdings möchte ich auch die Ein- und Ausgänge an den Arduino auch übertragen können.
Die Eingänge befinden sich bei VM-Adresse 1024 - 1031 und die Ausgänge bei 1064 - 1071, jeweils 8 Byte.
Hat mit Settimino jemand schon Erfahrungen?
Hier das Script:
Data Read Demo
Created 12 Dec 2016
by Davide Nardella
This demo shows how to read data from the PLC.
A DB with at least 1024 byte into the PLC is needed.
Specify its number into DBNum variable
- Both small and large data transfer are performed (see DO_IT_SMALL)
- During the loop, try to disconnect the ethernet cable.
The system will report the error and will reconnect automatically
when you re-plug the cable.
- For safety, this demo *doesn't write* data into the PLC, try
yourself to change ReadArea with WriteArea.
- This demo uses ConnectTo() with Rack=0 and Slot=2 (S7300)
- If you want to connect to S71200/S71500 change them to Rack=0, Slot=0.
- If you want to connect to S7400 see your hardware configuration.
- If you want to work with a LOGO 0BA7 or S7200 please refer to the
documentation and change
Client.ConnectTo(<IP>, <Rack>, <Slot>);
with the couple
Client.SetConnectionParams(<IP>, <LocalTSAP>, <Remote TSAP>);
NodeMCU 1.0 ESP-12E ESP8266 supported
// Wifi -> #define S7WIFI
// Cable -> #define S7WIRED
#define S7WIRED
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#ifdef S7WIFI
//#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include "Settimino.h"
// Uncomment next line to perform small and fast data access
#define DO_IT_SMALL
// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.
// The IP address will be dependent on your local network:
byte mac[] = {
0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0F, 0x08, 0xE1 };
IPAddress Local(192,168,0,33); // Local Address
IPAddress PLC(192,168,0,3); // PLC Address
// Following constants are needed if you are connecting via WIFI
// The ssid is the name of my WIFI network (the password obviously is wrong)
char ssid[] = "SKYNET-AIR"; // Your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "yourpassword"; // Your network password (if any)
IPAddress Gateway(192, 168, 0, 1);
IPAddress Subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
int DBNum = 100; // This DB must be present in your PLC
byte Buffer[1024];
#ifdef S7WIFI
// S7Client will create a WiFiClient as TCP Client
S7Client Client(_S7WIFI);
// S7Client will create an EthernetClient as TCP Client
S7Client Client(_S7WIRED);
unsigned long Elapsed; // To calc the execution time
// Setup : Init Ethernet and Serial port
void setup() {
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
#ifdef S7WIFI
//--------------------------------------------- ESP8266 Initialization
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
WiFi.config(Local, Gateway, Subnet);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.print("Local IP address : ");
//--------------------------------Wired Ethernet Shield Initialization
// Start the Ethernet Library
Ethernet.begin(mac, Local);
// Setup Time, someone said me to leave 2000 because some
// rubbish compatible boards are a bit deaf.
Serial.println("Cable connected");
Serial.print("Local IP address : ");
// Connects to the PLC
bool Connect()
Client.SetConnectionParams(PLC, 0x0300, 0x0200);
Serial.print("Connecting to ");Serial.println(PLC);
// if (Result==0)
// {
// Serial.print("Connected ! PDU Length = ");Serial.println(Client.GetPDULength());
// }
// else
// Serial.println("Connection error");
// return Result==0;
// Dumps a buffer (a very rough routine)
void Dump(void *Buffer, int Length)
int i, cnt=0;
pbyte buf;
if (Buffer!=NULL)
buf = pbyte(Buffer);
buf = pbyte(&PDU.DATA[0]);
Serial.print("[ Dumping ");Serial.print(Length);
Serial.println(" bytes ]===========================");
for (i=1024; i<Length; i++)
if (buf[i]<0x10)
Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");
if (cnt==16)
Serial.print("Timer 1: ");
Serial.println(buf[1], DEC);
Serial.print("Eingang 1: ");
Serial.println(buf[1024], DEC);
Serial.print("Ausgang 1: ");
Serial.println(buf[1064], DEC);
// Prints the Error number
void CheckError(int ErrNo)
Serial.print("Error No. 0x");
Serial.println(ErrNo, HEX);
// Checks if it's a Severe Error => we need to disconnect
if (ErrNo & 0x00FF)
Serial.println("SEVERE ERROR, disconnecting.");
// Profiling routines
void MarkTime()
void ShowTime()
// Calcs the time
Serial.print("Job time (ms) : ");
// Main Loop
void loop()
int Size, Result;
void *Target;
#ifdef DO_IT_SMALL
Size=1280; //64
Target = NULL; // Uses the internal Buffer (PDU.DATA[])
Target = &Buffer; // Uses a larger buffer
// Connection
while (!Client.Connected)
if (!Connect())
Serial.print("Reading ");Serial.print(Size);Serial.print(" bytes from DB");Serial.println(DBNum);
// Get the current tick
Result=Client.ReadArea(S7AreaDB, // We are requesting DB access
DBNum, // DB Number
0, // Start from byte N.0
Size, // We need "Size" bytes
Target); // Put them into our target (Buffer or PDU)
if (Result==0)
Dump(Target, Size);
Danke für Eure Hilfe!