I am working on transferring my fully configured project from a Seeeduino to a minimum board / on bread board at this time.
My project uses an analog port with a 47k and 100k resistor to work as a voltage divider to determine the state of a 12 volt battery.
Ive programmed my chip and fuses etc, and transfer the sketch. All looks to be working, but don
t think I`ve sent up the analog part to fully match the results of the Seeeduino.
I have left the vref pin floating and not added other components other than the crystal and caps , other than the resistor for the reset that is.
To get the same result (0 – 5 volts ) as my Seeeduino should I be added vref to the -5 volt line and adding more components ?
OR , is the vref internal and set up by the programmer ?