This is my first time in the Arduino Cloud. I'm trying to set up my new Nano RP2040 under "Devices". Setup aborts:
We were not able to configure your device
Executing command: exit status 1
Please try to:
Restart the Create Agent on the computer.
Detach the device from any shield/carrier or external circuitry
Reconnect the device to the computer and make sure the power LED lights up.
Reset your device
Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect found
An Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect has been detected on port COM6 and ready to be configured.
...Upload Sketch...
We were not able to configure your device
Executing command: exit status 1
Please try to:
Restart the Create Agent on the computer.
Detach the device from any shield/carrier or external circuitry
Reconnect the device to the computer and make sure the power LED lights up.
Reset your device
If you do it with a web editor, you have to make sure that the device is connected. A red X means it is not connected. If the board was not recognized, you have to go to "Select Other board & Port" and select the right one here. If you do it with the web editor, you also need the Arduino Agent. Most of the time, when opening the website, a yellow message appears. Tap this up and it will tell you how to install the agent.
i installed the board in the ide and wanted to upload "blink". the upload is canceled again. the file explorer is opened with path RPI-RP2. index.htm and info_uf2.txt are displayed there.
Hello, try the steps in section Board Not Detected from RP2040 cheatsheet, after making sure the upload on IDE 2.0 or the Java IDE then try again adding the device to Cloud.
when i plug the board into usb it is recognized and displayed in the w10 control panel. then the cloud tries to upload something. During the loading process, the board is suddenly no longer displayed in the control panel and the loading process is aborted.
I logged in as an admin on the PC - didn't work via the cloud either.
Then I loaded the board as an admin in the IDE and suddenly I was able to upload "blink". After that as admin it also worked with the cloud. Logged out as admin, logged in "normally" - since then everything works with the cloud too!