Your code is a very good learning device. A lot of people have looked at it, and hopefully learned that delay is a bad idea. I am attempting to share doing the same thing in a different way. That's all.
In my college days, we trained on the 8051, using a teletype and paper tape to load assembler language programs. And we had a class on building bit splice machines from scratch. I haven't done a whole lot of programming since (more hardware design), and had to deal with programmers complaining about not having enough RAM for their programs to run on boards already designed and prototyped.
Thinking about what the code is doing, and how well it is doing it is kind of second nature. I know that building s state machine requires some overhead to structure the code, and I wanted to see how that compared to code written in-line, like yours. I know state machines take a little to get use to. So I wanted to start with a good base (your code), and go from there.
My code copies your codes' functionality. Like I said, I don't have a servo motor to run, so I added some LEDs to show the status of what the motor was suppose to be doing (sweep out or in, different speeds). It repeats the same pattern your code does when I add that code into yours.
A fundamental difference in my code is that it is based on a 10 mSec heart beat. Everything that happens can be done around that heart beat - the fastest interval is the servoFastInterval.
As far as code size goes, your code uses 5,514 bytes bytes of program space. Mine, 5,732 bytes. I know size has nothing to do with how good or how fast it will run.
When I added time stamping to the code, I was surprised by the difference. Your code cycles through the loop around 56 to 60 micro seconds. I see a minimum of 48, with a max of 168 - this comes from the call to myservo.Write. My code cycles through the loop typically 4 to 8 micro seconds with a max of 148 micro seconds.
The code does nothing for the majority of the time. I was just surprised at how different doing nothing took.
edit - 8051