SGP30 conflict with I2C LCD

Hi guys, hope you doing well. Sorry maybe it is stupid question, but I am not an expert here, and I hope it is right topic for put it here.
I try to build kind of meteo device on top of Arduino Uno Rev2 with WiFi. And I have 3 sensors in place and LCD for showing measurement results. If LCD is not connected at least to SDA line, all good, measurement are going well and I can see it on Serial Monitor. But if I try to connect LCD to SDA, it immediately replace SGP30 sensor by itself. I run I2C Scanner in order to find out addresses LCD has 0x27 which is ok, and SGP30 has 0x58, so there is no collision here. As well as it is not connected to code itself.
All of I2C connected in parallel of cause, I do not use any additional resistors (they already exists on sensors).
I try to find solution myself with google help, but cannot. You can see results of LCD disconnect on screenshot bellow, 0x27 disappeared and 0x58 appeared.
Any ideas?

Please tell us exactly what I2C addresses each of the devices has, and thus what you expect to find on the bus. Include any I2C devices on the Arduino Rev2 WiFi board.

I do not use any additional resistors (they already exists on sensors)

If the parallel combination of pullup resistors is too low, that may cause problems. You may have to remove some of the resistors, so first find out exactly what values they have, and post them.

Hi guys,
LCD address 0x27
GP-30 address 0x58
SI7021 address 0x40
I am as well have some on 0x60 but as far as I can see it is something inside board, even if nothing connect to it, scanner show it.


BTW I2C 0x60 seems to be a crypto chip.

Try to find information about resistors go a different numbers with bad Chinese translation. Is it possible to measure it my self, if for example measure it between SDA and VCC, or it is a stupid idea?

Are any of the modules 3.3V? If so, which level shifters do you use?

You can always remove resistors. Only one set, one each on SDA and SCL, is needed.

You should be able to measure those resistors in circuit. Disconnect the modules from everything else, and place the multimeter probe tips at each end of the resistor (first with + to Vcc end).

Also try placing the probes the other way around, to check for internal diodes interfering with the measurement.

If the resistors are overloading the bus, try building up the circuit one module at a time, testing each time and in different orders of module addition, to determine which one is causing the problem.

Thank you for advice will work on it!

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