At the moment the two Antenna pins I have w
ired to separate aerials. [/quote]
You can clearly see there is only one pin (4) labeled ANT on the transmitter and only one (1) on the receiver, so are you trying to say that you have the antenna pins on BOTH transmitter AND receiver connected to something else ?
or (god forbid), you are trying to say that you connected a wire from the transmitter ant pin to the receiver antenna pin ?
Do I keep them on separate antenna's?
If I can connect together can I just direct wire them together or is there some load/impedance matching/balancing circuit I need? If so any pointers and diagrams would be appreciated
I think you should stay away from any electronic circuits until you learn the rules and some basic theory.
The questions you are asking should never be asked.
Look up the definition of antenna and then read your questions .
Why on earth would you ask such questions ? (assuming that what you meant was hardwire the transmitter and receiver antennas together. Good god man. Why would you want to do that ?
Assuming you know what RF means , why do you want to take the RF out of an RF Module by eliminating the electromagnetic wave altogether and short circuiting the transmitter to the receiver ?
Do you understand the absurdity of your question ?
If I understood your question correctly, you want to convert a WIRELESS Module pair to a WIRED module pair.
Does that make any sense ?
If you don't want WIRELESS , why are you using a WIRELESS module pair ?
I'm both shocked and confused.
Please explain.
What is your final objective ?
What is your project ?
What are you trying to do ?