So I've got two arduino boards with a HC-05 and LIS3DH on both boards. I've paired the two bluetooth modules and coded/ got readings from both accelerometers.
Basically, I need for them to both transmit live readings from their respective accelerometers and trigger when BOTH experience a vibration over a minimal threshold. (The trigger being a speaker coded by the "tone" function). This trigger can only be set off when BOTH arduino boards experience a vibration.
You obviously failed to read the sticky or you'd have known how to post code (why do you even think it's a good idea to post code as images rather than text is totally beyond me).
For your project: don't send accellerometer data over the Bluetooth channel. Send something like "I got vibration!" when it happens over the Bluetooth. You send this from A to B, after which B decides whether to trigger based on its own vibration (or not), and can send back "PANIC!" or something like that to A so A knows to take action.
Note: using single byte values is the easiest of course, and all you really need.
Completely new to Arduino (I'm a mechanical engineer student doing a project where I have to self teach myself), so I apologize for the incorrect formatting of the forum. But at least now I know ay. But thanks for the heads up! Your idea makes a lot more sense