Sharp GP1A73AJ000F photointerrupter

Morning gang...

I've salvaged one of these from an old copier, but it doesn't seem to work. Output is meant to be high when the light is interrupted, but when I put 5v on Vcc pin 1 and Ground pin 3, I get nothing out of Vout pin2 and ground with the light interrupted or not.

Reading the data sheet, I see that Vout should be up to 90% of Vcc with RL = 47k. Does that mean this is some kind of switching device (like a PC power supply which only produces voltage under load), and that I should put a 47k load into play?

If it does need a load, just for testing purposes where would that go: Vout to Ground?



(on the other hand, of course the sensor may be broken....)

It probably just needs a pull-up resistor (output to Vcc resistor). That way it's on Vcc with an inactive sensor and pulled to ground when the sensors get's active. Many sensors are connected this way.

Thanks Pylon... yes I subsequently found some other schematics that pointed out the need for the pull-up. Still no joy though.

But never mind, it's no biggy, it was a harvested part and I was just fiddling around. I'll check out my local supplier and buy a few new ones and wire them properly from the start.
