Hello I am new to this world i have an Arduino Mega 2650 and I am using the Seeed Studio Relay Shield v1.3 when i put the shield on my board it is using my 5V pin both Grounds and the Vin pins. I am trying to use the 5V pin to power a sensor is there a sandwich board that i can put in between these these two boards that will allow me to use jumper wires to a bread board? I would like to put a PCB board in there but would like to design this out so eventually i could just make a shield to stack in there
Like this?
thank you!
So with this i can put the Mega Board down,
Put this on top,
Install the Headers,
and then put the Relay shield into the headers.
If that correct?
Yes, that is the plan. I like this proto shield because it includes the ICSP header. That allows you to stack SPI devices on it like SD, ethernet and wifi shields.
Thank you again I appreciate your help!
There's also my screw shield to break out all pins, and still stack shields up.
Oh that looks nice.
I sell them, see the weblink. I supply an ICSP header also, wasn't installed on the one pictured.
Can mount the outer parallel row under the board also if need some more room for wires.
Nice gear CrossRoads!
Thanks! I enjoy coming up with interesting stuff that others find useful.