Shift register?

Hey probably a noob question but is there a part similar to a shift register (like the 74HC595) that instead of adding more pins for outputs to things like LEDs and stuff (i think multiplexings the word?) that instead adds more inputs for things like more sensors? If there is, what would the part be called? (any specific references would be nice)


I guess you think of adding analog inputs? You could go for analog multiplexers

Looks good, I just needed more room for my qrd1114 line sensors. these analog multiplexers look about right. thanks!

Try the MCP23016 - you get 16 pins that can be programmed to be inputs or outputs all connected through the two pins of the I2C bus. You can have up to 8 of these devices (more if you get clever) connected at the same time.
This gives you a maximum of 128 I/O pins.

The 74HC595 is a serial in parallel out shift register. It is used for outputs. The complementary device is a parallel in serial out shift register. They are used for inputs in many game controllers. Some parts to look into are the 74HC165, 74HC166, 74HC597, CD4014B, CD4021B

Thanks those parallel in serial out shift registers are what i was originally talking about, so thanks. I bought the MCP23016 from digikey a few days ago and it is perfect for my project. Thanks for all the info!