Only 12 of the 16 SBs are responding to the code correctly the last 4 on the row are not responding , if i tell all of them to light red the first 12 are doing it but the last 4 they not being light up or are just showing another color?
So, what am i doing wrong? i double checked that they are working so there is nothing wrong with them, it seems for me like they are not receiving the commands that the other 12 receive.
Have you guys experienced something like this? what could i do to fix this?
Try swapping out some of the last ShiftBrites in the chain. It's possible that a bad module or cable would exhibit this behavior. Also, please take a couple of well lit, clear photos that show the wiring methods between ShiftBrites and to the Arduino.
OK, i discovered that the SB number 11 was not transmitting the signals correctly to the next one so (but was reacting correctly) i swapped it and now i have 14 of the total of 16 working, sadly i have also discovered that the last 2 have also some kind of problem.
Any ShiftBrites you discover are definitely bad we'll replace. Please keep in mind if you short power to any of the outputs (by accidentally draping a bare wire or screwdriver over the contacts, or letting a loose chain of ShiftBrites touch each other) it'll destroy that output driver. It's a general rule for logic chips. You may just have a manufacturing error, too.