shiftout multiple 595 shift registers

Hi, Im new here, Im trying to modify the Shiftout tutorial to use more than two 595shift registers, so i can use 2, 3, 4, 5, ... up to 10. (and end up with lots of digital outputs!) Im trying to get 3 chips working at the moment, and I've wired the 3rd to the 2nd chip in the same way the 2nd chip is wired to the 1st. That seems to recieve signals but with all sorts of unexpected behaviour, and the timing is rather confusing.
So before I go through hell trying to solve it, can someone please tell me if it is possible to use the shift register technique for more than 2 595 chips?


I use 4 of the 595s in a chain to drive some leds. It worked with the shiftout() function, but was quite slow.
There is also hardware spi which is a lot faster. I had some problems with bad wires/connections when I first started with these prototyping boards. All kinds of weird stuff. Also don't forget to wire all pins, I left some floating which was the root of all evil. Sometimes just putting my finger on a chip would make it work :wink:

thanks! I'll keep going then and see where it takes me.