Hi all. About a month ago I began to source parts for a project to build a large format flatbed scanner rig. It uses to a regular A3 flatbed scanner which is propelled along two axis. It scans a surface area of 6ft by 4ft. 49 scans are made in total which are stitched together using photoshop. I though I would share the list of components for anyone undertaking a related project. While I was sourcing parts, i found myself badgering suppliers as to whether "this part is compatible with this part". Here is a list of all the mechanical parts you will need. These parts would be suitable for use with any CNC project or tailored for any related projects.
Stepper Motors:
76mm CNC NEMA 23 Stepping Motor 1.8Degre 4Lead 18.9Kgcm
Motor Drivers (microstep driver)
Power Supply Unit:
400W PSU 36V 11A CNC Power Supply Stepper Motor
I used the <AccelStepper.h> library when writing the code in arduino which is setup as follows:
int Xstep = 2;
int Xstepgnd = 3;
int Xdirection = 4;
int Xdirectiongnd = 5;
int Xenable = 6;
int Xenablegnd = 7;
int Ystep = 8;
int Ystepgnd = 9;
int Ydirection = 10;
int Ydirectiongnd = 11;
int Yenable = 12;
int Yenablegnd = 13;
AccelStepper Xstepper(1, Xstep, Xdirection);
AccelStepper Ystepper(1, Ystep, Ydirection);
I used the ControlP5 library to set up a graphic interface to arduino which has some nice buttons ans sliders that you can push and slide to control motor speed and direction.
I hope this is of use to somebody!
Best, Arthur