Showing different count of respect and not showing project on home

As i've posted my project but its not showing in search still its having 23 views and 1 respect how its possible and showing view difference upon different screens.

Pretend, for a moment, that I haven't got a clue what you are on about? You have one post on this forum, this one. What do you mean by 'respect', and your project not showing?

I have posted project but its not showing to other peoples.

I have posted project but its not showing to other peoples.

Where have you posted it? On your local community notice board?

Created new project on my dashboard. (i am little bit new for arduino)

You have three posts, all on this thread.

Created new project on my dashboard. (i am little bit new for arduino)

What do you mean by "my dashboard"?

You do not seem to have posted any project on the Arduino Forum.


I presume you mean "Project Hub" over on "Hackster".

If thats the case this post needs to be moved to project hub in the CREATE section.

Fact that you had one respect means somebody else saw it.

Dont expect lots of "respects" over there as its nothing like Facebook with "likes"