sht15 problem running code from sensirion

Hi guys, I am trying to run the sample code that u can find in sensirion's site. The compiler says that I have some missing header files 8051.h,8052.h. I downloaded these header files and then the compiler showed some error in the header files. Has anybody faced something similar? Any help would be very very appreciated!!!!!


That code is for the Intel 80C51 processor family, meaning you won't be able to run it (without any modifications) on your Arduino.

Best, Peter

I have the SHT11 code running great (posted code in the forum) with no temperature issues. I cobbled routines found here with routines found elsewhere. I'm pretty sure the interface for both parts is similar. The code I used was originally based on the Sensirion sample code so it will save you the trouble. (I'm not the original author... I only tweaked stuff a bit for my own needs)

Thank you guys! I did try other codes before, but some of them didn't really work. The results were quite ok, but when I was heating the sensor there was no change on the results. I will try to work on the code that pwillard suggested . Thanks a lot for your help cause I am working on a project and deadlines are important :slight_smile: