signal conditioning of KG190

Hey guys I am using a current sensor for measuring the AC current its name id KG190. It gives an output current of 5mA on the secondary for a 5A primary current. The output signal is very weak to be sampled by the arduino so it has to conditioned before being sent to the arduino. I want to usean opamp to do the amplification. I tried searching and working out any solution. I need your help for a circuit that can amplify the signal of the signal of the CT. i am attaching a photo of the the KG190 sensor. Please help!

current sensor.jpg

A data sheet would be much more useful than a picture. A search for that number turns up diddly.

I too dont have the datasheet. I just mailed the manufacturer to send me a copy of the datasheet. Hope he has it. :slight_smile:

Sorry guys but there is no datasheet. The only thing we need to know is that 5/5mA. But the manufacturer did say that We should use a current to voltage converter using lm358 to get the output voltage to swing between 5v and 0 v. I need your help in designing a current to voltage converter.

Thank You

Current to Voltage Converter for KGI90:

You should study this by visiting this URL:Current to Voltage Converter - Analog Electronics Tutorials

In Sha Allah you will get your answer.

Another useful site for the same purpose ie current to voltage conversion circuit.It is in animation form.

URL:Current-to-Voltage Converter

Best of luck