SIM7600E-H with Arduino UNO for IZAT & LTE Functionality

Module: SIM7600E-H with firmware version - LE11B10SIM7600M22_IZAT
Development Board: Arduino UNO with UART using <SoftwareSerial.h>

Hello tech-gigs,

I am working on interfacing of SIM7600E-H with Arduino UNO over UART using AT Commands. The high-level plan is to acquire longitude and latitude using IZAT feature and transmit them over LTE to data-server.

First, We are getting GPS data using IZAT GPS feature, the acquired data is then bifurcated to get actual longitude and latitude position. Then, We are creating a data-string comprises POST request and acquired longitude & latitude data. The data-string is of 217 bytes. This data-string is then transferred to SIM7600E-H using command AT+CIPSEND and a terminator - 0x1A. Now, as per AT command set manual, +CIPSEND command should return the received bytes, but it is acknowledging with 0,2,2 instead of 0,217,217. Now, If we follow the same steps for Standalone GPS instead of IZAT GPS then we are getting successful acknowledgment with 0,217,217 and data is also getting posted on data-server.

Further tested, with IZAT GPS feature enabled, I found out that I am able to transmit around 150 bytes only, when using +CIPSEND command. If I am adding some more bytes then it is again acknowledging with 0,2,2.

Prior doubt was if <SoftwareSerial.h> is creating this problem or not?
So, I tried with <AltSoftSerial.h> and even with Hardware serial on DIO 0 & 1. But the problem still persists.

So, the question is why am I facing this kind of issue with +CIPSEND command when enabling IZAT GPS feature?

Kindly guide me through to solve this problem.