I'm new in here and I have big problems with my GPRS shield. It's made by Greetech, based on SIM900. I need it for sending and receiving SMS messages. It'll send messages without any problem but I can't get it to receive any messages.
I have tried for many different ways, but always the same thing. It'll give me a notice, that there is a message "REC UNREAD" but it won't show me the real message. And next time after a restart, if I try to read it, it'll say that "REC READ", but again it won't show the message. I can see the number, where it has been sended, date, part of the time and that's it. If I try to reread the message without restarting the shield, it will mix up the whole thing. Pictures below will show how SSCOM is showing this.
Thanks for fast reply. I tried that and after giving a command at+cmgf=1 it says OK, but it didn't make any difference. It's still acting same way than before.