Simple Dumping Monitor Library version 0.14. Now Arduino Leonardo is supported

Since version 0.14 Simple Dumping Monitor for Arduino library supports Arduino Leonardo-compatible both ATmega16U4 and ATmega32U4 microcontrollers based boards.

The Simple Dumping Monitor for Arduino library allows you to get dumps of either Flash, RAM and EEPROM memories, dump of registers, interrupt vectors table and dumps of timers.
Please read more either how to get dumps or how to debug your sketches at SourceForge.

English documentation for the library is available at SourceForge wiki.

Also you can download latest version of the library from SourceForge.

Support the Arduino libraries development, tweet the library and like its SourceForge page.

Have a nice dump! =)

Proudly developed by

Vanyamba Electronics, 2012.

Hidden feature of Arduino Leonardo is Timer-Counter 2!
You can get PWM at both Digital 2 and Digital 8 pins.
This is the sketch:

#include <dumpmon.h> 			// This sketch uses VEduino Library.

#define LED1                DEV_TIMER2_OCA         // Set up your own values here: PORT, PIN
#define LED2                DEV_TIMER2_OCB         // Set up your own values here: PORT, PIN

uint8_t potValue;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  potValue = analogRead(A0) >> 2;

Hi, trying your examples with 115k2 but getting garbage.. Any hint where else to set the proper baudrate?

Hi, trying your examples with 115k2 but getting garbage.. Any hint where else to set the proper baudrate?

Thank you for this BUG. :slight_smile:
I fixed it at version 0.19

Nice :slight_smile:
Are these PortB infos correct?

<17> text watch
0158  count  0009  "2E2E"
015A  lcoun  00000009  "2E2E2E2E"
0140  text   "Example"
0025  PORTB  00  "2E"
<18> counters watch
0158  count  000A  "2E2E"
015A  lcoun  0000000A  "2E2E2E2E"
0140  text   "Example"
0025  PORTB  20  "20"
<19> text watch
0158  count  000A  "2E2E"
015A  lcoun  0000000A  "2E2E2E2E"
0140  text   "Debug"
0025  PORTB  20  "20"

PS: I would add a bin representation for the PORTx as well ie:
0025 PORTB 20 " " 00100000

Are these PortB infos correct?
PS: I would add a bin representation for the PORTx as well ie:
0025 PORTB 20 " " 00100000

Fixed and added to version 0.20.

Any support for atmega1284p planned?

Any support for atmega1284p planned?

Why not? Ok, let's add ATmega1284p. :slight_smile:

Any support for atmega1284p planned?

Added Sanguino and Daiduino boards support since version 0.21.