Simple if/else

Hi all, I am trying to program a tiny85 with a code that activates two LEDs, one after the other, on a button push. I.E, the first button press will light LED #1, and after #1 has been lit the button will activate #2. this is just part of my code but its driving me crazy as every time it turns on LED#1. >:(

The button is using the built-in pull-up resistor

int buttonPin = 12;

char* one = "off";
char* two = "off";
char* three = "off";
void setup() {
pinMode(1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);


void loop(){

int buttonValue = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if ((buttonValue == LOW)&&(one="off")){
digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
one = "on";
} else {
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);



You can't compare strings or assign arrays like that.

You need strcmp().

Or just use a #define:
#define ON 1
#define OFF 2



Look at that red part and think about it (= is assignment, == is about comparing but think about what Keith said too)

In addition to the other comments, note that you've got digitalWrite(4, HIGH) but no pin 4 output.


Thanks! so would it look like this?

int buttonPin = 12;

#define OFF 2
#define OFF 3

void setup() {
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);


void loop(){

int buttonValue = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if ((buttonValue == LOW)&&(2==OFF)){
digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
#define ON 2
} else {
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
#define ON 1


No, read about what #define is... You want a variable.

I kindly Suggest you study the basic principles of programming language otherwise this will all feel like black magic to you

Also please read how to use the forum and post your code within code tags. It should appear like this

// some code here

Come on...14 posts and you still don't know how to post source code correctly on this site. Read Nick Gammon's posts at the top of this Forum before you post anything else.

Go visit a C++ tutorial - there are several on the 'net - and read about 'boolean' type.

Hi MrWill,
You have a simple idea which presents the opportunity to learn several things:

  1. Boolean
  2. Byte
  3. Button Debouncing (probably not the most relevant for this project but good to know)
  4. SwitchCase

Here's some code that will hopefully work for you. Keep in mind this could be done many ways (if/else) but I chose to use switch case.

#define Button 8              //Your button
#define FirstLED 13           //LED number 1
#define SecondLED 9           //LED number 2

boolean ButtonState;          //Current state of the button
boolean LastButtonState = 0;  //Previous state of the button (for comparison)
byte ButtonCounter = 0;       //A counter so we know how many times button is pressed

void setup() { 

void loop(){  
  ButtonState = digitalRead(Button);        //Read state of button (pressed or not)

    if (ButtonState != LastButtonState){    //If button is pressed
      delay(10);                            //Delay for debounce
      ButtonState = digitalRead(Button);    //Then read to double-check current state
      if (ButtonState == LOW){
      ButtonCounter++;                      //If button press, count up 1

//Replacement for using "if/else" statements//
  switch (ButtonCounter){                   //What we want to happen depending on how many times we press the button 
      case 1:                               //If button is pressed 1 time
      digitalWrite(FirstLED,HIGH);          //Do my stuff
      break;                                //Move on 
      case 2:                               //If button is pressed 2 times
      digitalWrite(SecondLED,HIGH);         //Do my stuff
      case 3:
      ButtonCounter = 0;                     //After all LEDs lit, restart the sequence

Happy Building!

Does your Tiny85 have 12 pins, or a pin 12? Mine only have 8 pins. What core are you using?



A bit of constructive criticism on that suggested code if I may. (Good intent and good to point at the docs)


boolean LastButtonState = 0;  //Previous state of the button (for comparison)

I Would suggest to educate with good practice in mind: Boolean conceptually is a logic state that can be either true or false. There are such literals in the programming language and thus rather than using 0 as the initialisation value, I would highly recommend to use false. also in that specific case buttonState is actually conceptually a pin status, which can be HIGH or LOW. So I would not declare that as a Boolean and set it to LOW not 0. Same for buttonSate of course (See constants in arduino)

if (ButtonState != LastButtonState){    //If button is pressed

The comment is highly misleading (more on this below). Good comments make good code and are a best practice.

Indenting correctly (see Auto Format) is also important for readability by the way, just press cmd-t or ctrl-t in the IDE to get better looking code.

Of course when giving code to new comers, would be better to test if possible (I understand it's not always possible, I'm typing on my tablet without an arduino at hand). In the code above you forget to change the LastButtonState value and thus don't wait for the button going back up and the code will likely fly through 3 consecutive presses much faster than a blink of an eye and thus won't meet the spec.

I would also argue that the code is not optimized as you keep lighting the same LED if no button press has occurred. That's un-necessary, would be best to have the switch case within the if button has been pressed.

In this case it's not a massive issue but in time critical apps ensuring you have an ability to come back to the top of the loop without perform needless actions is a good practice.

Hope this helps

Indenting correctly (see Auto Format) is also important for readability by the way, just press cmd-t or ctrl-t in the IDE to get better looking code.

  • Thank you, I didn't know about that nifty feature.

Of course when giving code to new comers, would be better to test if possible

  • I tested with a breadboard, Uno and two LEDs and everything works fine (although probably not most efficiently as you say).

I would also argue that the code is not optimized as you keep lighting the same LED if no button press has occurred.

  • I don't get this problem when testing, what line of the code are you referring to?

would be best to have the switch case within the if button has been pressed

  • Even the SwitchCase example does as you say, but why? Looking to better understand this for the future.

Thank you for the feedback, always looking to improve and learn.



  • I tested with a breadboard, Uno and two LEDs and everything works fine (although probably not most efficiently as you say).
  • I don't get this problem when testing, what line of the code are you referring to?

I'm referring to this line:

    if (ButtonState != LastButtonState){    //If button is pressed

where do you change the value of LastButtonState after that?

if (ButtonState != LastButtonState){ //If button is pressed

LastButtonState wasn't supposed to be changed. It's purpose was always to be 0 (LOW) so that it could be compared to the buttons pressed state (HIGH).

So you're saying not to do that?
Should LastButtonState be removed and then " if (ButtonState != LastButtonState)" be simply replaced with "if (ButtonState == HIGH)" ?


I'm saying it's likely not working — assuming you connect your button to ground because of the use of INPUT_PULLUP.

have you connected your button to read +5V when pressed?

have you connected your button to read +5V when pressed?

yes, I've attached a pic of how my button is connected. I'm testing on a real breadboard but didn't want to take a picture of that as its a big board with other wires from other projects and would look confusing.

why do you have a resistor and use INPUT_PULLUP?

OK so then instead of being zooming through the LEDS I think it won't do anything

let me walk "manually" through the code you posted:

boolean LastButtonState = 0;  //Previous state of the button (for comparison)


    ButtonState = digitalRead(Button);        //Read state of button (pressed or not)
    if (ButtonState != LastButtonState){    //If button is pressed
      delay(10);                            //Delay for debounce
      ButtonState = digitalRead(Button);    //Then read to double-check current state
      if (ButtonState == LOW){
      ButtonCounter++;                      //If button press, count up 1

Button is not pressed, so reads HIGH according to your wiring

because (HIGH != LOW) is true, you enter the first if and do a 10 ms debounce
you read again, button is still not touched so ButtonState = HIGH
your next test is HIGH == LOW, it's false so you don't increase ButtonCounter which is still 0
the rest of the switch is not triggering anything because you don't have a case for 0

that stays this way as long as I don't touch the button.

Say I now press the button and maintain it pressed, ButtonState becomes LOW

the first if (LOW != LOW) is false, so you don't enter the if and go straight to the switch clause. Since nothing has changed the ButtonCounter, no case is matching and you go back to the top of the loop.

because you did not memorize in LastButtonState the fact the button was pressed you will test again if (LOW != LOW) which still won't be true... so you won't enter the test... and nothing works.

I maintain you need a   LastButtonState =  ButtonState;after the first if block for this to work.