Hi all, I have installed the sms lib to the /arduino/library/ folder but is not working even I can see it on the menu>import lib.
The message error I get the WProgram.h doesn't exist, I searched for fixing it and came by this Forums
So I try to tweak the code but no luck, I am not sure though if the problem comes from this now, has anyone managed to fix it yet, or any updated sms folder to download ?
And I get these -> core.a(main.cpp.o): In function main': /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/main.cpp:11: undefined reference to setup'
/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/main.cpp:14: undefined reference to `loop'
I am not sure that this avoids to work though, as seems that SuperCollider writes and reads to the platform, I am not 100% sure, I haven't yet managed to control any in the SC, but this might be other story. Nevertheless I would like to make the arduino side clean and no errors so I won't have any doubts then.
Would you bother to explain how this should look like ?
Well, I think it's pretty obvious what this means:
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
I think it's pretty obvious what this means:
I don't think it takes much imagination to determine under what circumstances the SimpleMessageSystem header file gets included and under what circumstances it does not.
If you agree that it is being included only under certain circumstances, and that those are not the correct circumstances, then you should feel free to move the include statement.
I am using the "SimpleMessageSystem Example 1"
That example is included with a library that you have not explained where you got it. That leaves you as the only one that knows what your code looks like.
I am using sms because of SuperCollider. SC has some extensions called quarks, which enhance particular tasks, i.e Arduino and SCPyduino are some of them in order to make SC communicate with the board. However I am not sure if the one you mentioned supposes to be the upgraded or better use for the same library and communication with SC. If this consists of a more integrated way for such communication I would be very interested to use.