I’m trying to find an example of this to help me learn and add to.
I have no experience in writing code. But have been using tinkercad and Fritzing to play around with different arduino setups.
I like tinkercad because you can simulate it without hooking anything up.
I have general knowledge of electronics. It’s the coding that is giving me the problems.
I find I can modify code no problem and read it and somewhat understand it and how it applies to the arduino. But starting a code from scratch has me just staring at a blank screen.
Basically what I’m trying to do is build a simple PID temp controller that when the liquid reaches a certain temperature that is adjustable by user it activates a relay that controls a motorized ball valve. When the temperature cools down the relay powers down and ball valve closes.
I’d like to use a PT100 RTd sensor. For accuracy.
Max31865 amplifier
16x2 lcd
Maybe a push button to increase set temp and a push button to decrease set temp.