Simple robot/ floor cleaner to go through all the space available


I have building a robot with 2 motors on each side and a spinning wheel on the front, so it can go forward/backward and turn right/left easily. My objective is to creat floor cleaner to go through all the space available at my room.

I have created one with this components:

  2. L293d Motor Shield
  3. 2 Bo motor 100 rpm
  4. hc-sr04 ultrasonic sensor

It works fine for a but not fulfill my objective, "go through all the space available"

My code is as under

#include <AFMotor.h>[color=#222222][/color]
#define trigPin 12[color=#222222][/color]
#define echoPin 13[color=#222222][/color]
AF_DCMotor motor1(1);[color=#222222][/color]
AF_DCMotor motor2(2);[color=#222222][/color]
void setup() {[color=#222222][/color]
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);[color=#222222][/color]
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);[color=#222222][/color]
void loop() {[color=#222222][/color]
  long duration, distance;[color=#222222][/color]
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);[color=#222222][/color]
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);[color=#222222][/color]
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);[color=#222222][/color]
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);[color=#222222][/color]
  distance = (duration / 2) / 29.1;[color=#222222][/color]
  if (distance < 15) {[color=#222222][/color]
    delay(4740); [color=#222222][/color]
  else {[color=#222222][/color]
    motor1.setSpeed(100); [color=#222222][/color]

Please help to upgrade the code so that it go through all the space available.



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Thank you for using code tags but unfortunately the forum software has a bug that causes tags to be added which makes the code block useless (not your fault)

Please turn of the WYSIWYG editor option in your forum settings and post the code again

That's a hard problem. IIRC, the early Roombas just wandered about randomly in the hope that they would get most of the floor space clean. I expect modern ones are a bit more clever.

Take a look at SLAM mapping - it lets you search and map as you go. To use it though, you will need to get some data about how far you have moved and in what direction. Right now all you have is the crudest kind of dead reckoning based on how long your motors ran.

Do some experiments - try to drive a square course that brings you back to the same point and you will likely find that you can't do so with any accuracy. You will need to solve that before you can map and navigate.

I assume from the picture that you're using an Uno. You may need something with more RAM. Probably a faster CPU too.