Simple server responding with sensors reading via ethernet

I am completely new to arduino. I can solder and I can write anything in c#.

I need a solution to read few sensors (temp, humidity, flood) connected by ethernet. Then I need to poll it say every 10 s from a remote client and get latest readings.

What are general steps involved in the project and what components I need?

Is there a Web site I can select what capabilities I need from arduino solution and it recommends components for it?

No one has a template for ethernet controlled solution? I can't believe it

It's only 14 hours since your original post, so it hasn't gone round the world yet. Any my experience on forums is that people are all busy with lots of stuff like family, hobbies and dare I say it, work. So you shouldn't assume that nobody can or will help you, just be patient :wink:

And perhaps start with something simpler than Arduino comms over Ethernet.

Have you even looked though? I found this page (scroll down to where it says "Ethernet") which has lots of links, like this for example.

If there is wifi availability over the area you can use some esp8266 module (Nodemcu) else you can add a gsm module to your Arduino (probably some sim800 or similar modules). Once you have decided your hardware you can use some cloud service like thingspeak or some similar iot cloud service to upload your data to cloud. Note thingspeak free version offers uploading or downloading data every with a minimum if 15 sec. On the client / receiving end you can use the same hardware and download data from the sensor nodes. You can use protocols like MQTT or HTTP requests to transmit and receive data.