Hello, I'm wondering if anyone fancies creating some code for me for a little temperature sensor that collects a temperature data point every 15 mins and writes the data to an SD card using the following components:
- Arduino R4 Wi-fi
- DSB18B20 temperature sensor
- Seeed SD Card Shield V4.4 04/01/2022
- Standard Arduino LCD display
Coding brief:
- Collect temperature data in degrees celcius once every 15 mins.
- Write the data to a SD card
- Display the last temperature reading on an LCD display (optional criteria)
- Toggle the display to only light up for 2 mins after the last temperature point was collected (optional criteria)
Many thanks.
You can request that this post be moved to the "Jobs and Paid Consultancy" cagegory, the remainder of the forum is for helping people with problems they are having with code that they have written.
Sure. I built this a couple of years ago. I'll build you another one for $350 since your display was optional.
Think this should be in "Jobs and Paid Consultancy"
What do you mean by Standard Arduino LCD display?
a 4x20 LCD with I2C?
Does the SDcard shield fit on the Uno R4?
wrt your requirements:
- no problem.
- no problem.
- do you mean that you have the current temp + one 15 minutes ago?
- no problem.
@oliversunderland ,
Do you want this moved to the paid category of the forum?
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