Simple VSS code?

Hey everyone, I am working on a project and need a little help. I am using an Arduino Uno as a transmission controller for a GM 4L60e. I was wondering if anyone could help me put together the code to make the Vehicle Speed Sensor input convert to miles per hour. I looked through the code for a MPGuino but it is way more complicated than what i need. The input is pulses. I figured I would take it from Pulses per second divide by the number of pulses in a rotation to get rotations per second divide by rotations per mile to come up with miles per second, multiply by 60 and then multiply by 60 again to come up with MPH? Any ideas? thanks

I figured I would take it from Pulses per second divide by the number of pulses in a rotation to get rotations per second divide by rotations per mile to come up with miles per second, multiply by 60 and then multiply by 60 again to come up with MPH?

So, what do you need help with? This sounds like a reasonable approach. The only tricky parts are determining the number of pulses per rotation of whatever is rotating, and the number of rotations per mile.

Sorry, I need to know how to count pulses per second...