Simple webserver (WebSockets) for reading / controlling i/o?


I am a somewhat experienced programmer but I am fairly new to Arduino. As I am a web developer I tend to have the urge to control everything via an HTTP or even WebSocket based API.

Right now I want to read values from a scale and start / stop outputting a signal on a digital pin based on the value read.

But whatever project ideas come to my mind I keep coming back to thinking "what if the Arduino just uses pin X and sends it to some other device via network and gives me a way to control the hardware via a nice web / app interface"

So I am wondering if there's not a generalized library available already that lets me read / control pins via HTTP / WebSockets or some other remote mechanism?


The Arduino Uno does not fit well to IoT projects. It is too lightweight and memory constrained. However, there are a lot of projects around the internet that document adapting the Arduino Uno using one of several Ethernet or Wifi interfaces, and libraries to support those, for example, ENC28J60 IC chip, the Wiznet chips (original wifi shield), and the arduino compatible ESP8266 or ESP32 chips and modules. Arduino also has released a bunch of other boards that do fit better for IoT projects, the ARDUINO UNO WIFI REV2 and ARDUINO MKR WIFI 1010.