For a project I am trying to shut a PC down with the following scan codes:
Set-1 make/brake Set-2 make/brake
Power e0 5e / e0 de e0 37 / e0 f0 37
Sleep e0 5f / e0 df e0 3f / e0 f0 3f
Wake e0 63 / e0 e3 e0 5e / e0 f0 5e
I've asked this question over several forums. But I can not get it to work. I've managed to shut the PC down with a CMD command. So when I press a button the Arduino will send a That works but I really have to use the above called codes. Futher I tried to define the power management key's in the USB keyboard library by adding power/sleep/wake = 0x81/0x82/0x83 . But unfortunately the Arduino IDE doesn't recognize them: they stay black while the standard keys turn blue.
My question is: how can I simulate the power management key's? I think it is good to mention that I am a beginner at this.