I got an aircraft gauge with a standard three pin connection. I was wondering which board I need and any other help or advice. Thanks in advance.
I can't find any reference to a 3-pin standard aircraft instrument connector. Sorry, but without more information I can't help.
I'm actually going to an electronics shop to see if they can tell me. I'll let you know what they say, so hopefully I can provide the info you need.
Its a three pin circular connector. Im assuming that two are for power, with the third for data, or possibly a ground.
I'm not aware of any standard 3-pin connector used in light aircraft avionics. I suggest you post photos of both the front of the gauge and the connector.
It's a fuel pressure gauge. My guess is that one connection is for feeding a current that moves the needle, one is for illuminating an internal 26v lamp so the dial can bee seen at night, and one is common. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance between the 3 pins, in all combinations. From the readings, we should be able to work out which pin is which.
[EDIT: alternatively, remove the 2 screws on the back so that you can remove the housing and trace the wiring.]
I did that... Only removes the backplate with the serial numbers. Im not sure how else to get in. Im going to try to measure those in the next day or two. Im a little tied up, but I will do that.
I found this similar in eBay:
If you watch at the photos you can see manufacturer and model no:
Courter, Inc
If you google it, you find some vendors or distributors or whatever they are, but not a schematic or wiring diagram.
Anyway with 3 pins, one must be GND. Open the case and try to figure wich one is GND. You have to guess what other two are. They may be voltatge or current driven. Try injecting very small current in them to see if anything happens.
One of the listings for 18-1672-3 shows an alternative part number of 6620-179-1886.
Searching for that turned up someone using them in a flight simulator:
Perhaps a search of those blogs would turn up more details.
I'm going to check those blogs. I'm still trying to find a way to get into the case. Tomorrow I will be testing it on a proper three pin circular connection. I'll post results if I get any.