Simulator other then 123D?

I am new to Arduino and programing. I was using 123D and it was working great and I was getting things figured out with my program. Well now the last few days 123D seems to be full of bugs and you can't use it. What is another alternative that you can use to test code that actually works?

What is another alternative that you can use to test code that actually works?

An Arduino, of course !

I do have one on the way. Would rather my testing in a sim if possible.

What is another alternative that you can use to test code that actually works?

Why do you need to test code that actually works? Testing is usually done to determine whether or not the code actually works.

Well now the last few days 123D seems to be full of bugs and you can't use it.

What a surprise.

Why do you need to test code that actually works? Testing is usually done to determine whether or not the code actually works.

I meant a simulator that actually works. If I knew my code worked that of course I would not need a sim.