I've been struggling with controlling multiple servos at the same time with different speeds and angles for quite a while and i finally gave up trying on my own and wanted to ask for your help.
This is my goal;
Imagine we have 4 time periods t1,t2,t3 and t4.
The first servo will move forward from 40 degrees to 100 degrees in t1 and go back to 40 degrees gradually in t2,t3 and t4. So if it moves 3 degrees per step in t1 it should move 1 degree per step in other periods.
The second servo will do the same thing but it should start moving forward in t2
And so on; servo 3 moves forward in t3 and servo4 moves forward in t4 and the whole process loops seamlessly.
I'm fairly new to arduino and programming so maybe I'm missing a basic step. I've tried for loops but they seem to interrupt each other. I tried to use millis() method but the interruption seemed to persist.
P.S: I do not want to control them via serials, as mentioned in several similiar questions.